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Gene Chip

Gene chips for in vitro diagnostics (IVD) help identify specific genetic markers and diagnose diseases by detecting nucleic acid sequences in patient samples. Alta DiagnoTech ensures the delivery of high-quality and accurate gene chip products to meet the diagnostic needs of different clients through a diverse and experienced R&D team and an advanced technology platform.

What is Gene Chip?

Schematic diagram of the gene chip.

A gene chip, also known as a DNA chip or DNA microarray, is a microarray of cDNA or oligonucleotides immobilized on a microcarrier. Gene chip technology refers to the integration of a large number of known sequence probes on the same substrate, after the labeling of several target nucleotide sequences and the microarray on the specific site of the probe hybridization, and then through the detection of hybridization signals, biological cells or tissues in the analysis of genetic information.

Applications of Gene Chips in IVD

Gene chip technology is an early established and more mature testing method, which can efficiently obtain relevant biological information in a large planning. Currently, the application of gene chips in the field of IVD involves genetic disease diagnosis, tumor marker detection, drug testing, and other fields.

Genetic Disease Diagnosis

Gene chips can be used to detect genetic mutations associated with genetic diseases, such as cystic fibrosis and phenylketonuria.

Tumor Marker Detection

Gene chips can be used to analyze the expression patterns of cancer-related genes and help identify specific tumor markers.

Infectious Disease Detection

Gene chips can be used to rapidly detect the nucleic acid sequences of a variety of pathogens for the diagnosis of infectious diseases.

Our Reliable Gene Chips Products

Gene chips have occupied an indispensable position in the IVD field due to their unique advantages of rapidity and high throughput. At Alta DiagnoTech, we have mastered the art of gene chip technology, providing top-of-the-line gene chip products to meet your IVD needs.

Gene Expression Analysis Products

  • Our gene expression analysis products provide in-depth analysis of the activity level of genes, providing an important basis for diagnosis andtreatment plans, thus helping to realize precision medicine.

Gene Mutation Tests Products

  • We have mutation testing products that rapidly identify key genetic vanants, support the development of personalized treatment plans, and improve a patients's chances of recovery.

Transcriptomic Analysis Products

  • Through comprehensive profiling of the expression of RNA moleculesin cells, our transcriptome analysis products helpcell function research and disease understanding, supporting scientific research and prooicion disnocic

Gene Methylation Analysis Products

  • Our well-designed gene methylation analysis products reveal epigenetic changes and provide reliable data for early detection of diseases and optimization of treatment strategies.

Relying on advanced gene chip technology and relentless pursuit of quality, Alta DiagnoTech continues to innovate in the field of gene chip diagnostics, providing strong support to healthcare professionals to enhance the healthcare outcomes of patients worldwide. Please feel free to contact us for more details if you are interested in our products.


  1. Wöhrle J., Krämer S.D., Meyer P.A., et al. Digital DNA microarray generation on glass substrates[J]. Scientific Reports. 2020, 10: 5770.

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