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Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM)

Many factors can cause changes in glucose levels in the body, including physical activity and food. Diabetics need to check their blood glucose levels and keep them under control at a level that is not harmful to the body. At Alta DiagnoTech, we provide our clients with in vitro continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) products that continuously monitor the body's blood glucose around the clock to help patients keep their glucose levels in check and prevent complications.

Precision Monitoring for Blood Glucose Control

Blood glucose refers to the glucose in the blood and is also short for blood glucose concentration. Digested glucose enters the bloodstream from the small intestine and is transported to individual cells in the body, where it is the main source of energy. In the human body, the concentration of blood glucose is tightly controlled. Normally, a normal person's fasting blood glucose is about 70 to 100 mg/dL.

Fig.1 Calculating diabetes risk based on how fast a person eats. (Fujii, et al., 2021)

Self-Reported Eating Speed
Slow Medium Fast
(N = 510) (N = 2993) (N = 1350)
N of events/person-years 12/2468 134/15234 88/7034
Incidence rate (per 1000 person-years) 4.9 8.8 12.5
Crude hazard ratio 1 1.82 2.61
(95% Confidence interval) (Reference) (1.01-3.29) (1.43-4.77)
Adjusted hazard ratio 1 1.69 2.08
(95% Confidence interval) (Reference) (0.94-3.06) (1.13-3.84)

Applications of CGM Products in In Vitro Diagnostics

CGM products contain various types of kits as well as devices for real-time monitoring of blood glucose levels in the human body. CGM products can continuously measure and record glucose concentration, which plays a great function in IVD.

Real-time Monitoring

CGM products continuously monitor blood glucose levels to help patients understand how their blood glucose fluctuates throughout the day.

Timely Alerts

CGM devices can sound an alert when blood glucose levels are too high or too low, allowing patients to take timely action.

Data Recording and Analysis

CGM devices can record a large amount of blood glucose data, which can be used for long-term health trend analysis and management.

Our CGM Products

In the new era of diabetes management, Alta DiagnoTech's team of experts is leading the wave of innovation. We offer advanced CGM products combined with the latest IVD technology to tailor a personalized health management experience for our clients.

  • Blood Glucose Test Kits

Our blood glucose test kits provide quick access to accurate blood glucose level data at home, helping users to keep track of their health status and providing strong support for diet and health management.

  • Instantaneous Glucose Monitoring Device

The instant glucose monitor allows users to get the current glucose level in seconds, and when used with smart devices, it realizes easy management of blood glucose levels anytime.

  • Real-Time Continuous Glucose Monitoring Device

Our advanced real-time continuous glucose monitor monitors blood glucose variations 24 hours a day to assist in developing a more scientific management program.

Who Are the Ideal People to Use CGM Products?

Ideal use of CGM products is for those who need to closely monitor their blood glucose levels, some specific examples of which are listed below:

People for whom continuous glucose testing products are indicated. (Alta DiagnoTech, 2024)

The use of CGM products in these populations can help provide a more complete picture of blood glucose fluctuations, leading to better management of health and disease-related risks.

Alta DiagnoTech's CGM products are easy to use and incorporate the latest technological innovations designed to deliver a precise glucose management experience. Whether you need daily monitoring at home or detailed data analysis, our products are designed to meet your needs and help you better understand and manage your blood glucose levels. Please feel free to contact us for more information and personalized support if you are interested.


  1. Fujii H, Funakoshi S, Maeda T, et al. Eating speed and incidence of diabetes in a Japanese general population: ISSA-CKD [J]. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2021, 10(9): 1949.

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